Encyclopaedia of Hadith Part II | Encyclopaedia of Hadith | Products | Home
7,983 pages in 14 volumes plus database
IHSAN NETWORK membership
2 colour print: black and red with gold embossed Balacron imitation leather cover
Size: 21 cm x 29.7 cm
Year of Publication: 2009
The Encyclopaedia of Hadith has been updated to include Musnad of Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal. This adds to the value and exclusivity of this work, which now consists of a total of 32 volumes, presenting a unique reservoir of religious guidance, indispensable for the study and understanding of any aspect of the Muslim religion.
Part II of the Encyclopaedia consists of the following:
Imam Ahmed’s Musnad in 12 volumes.
Maknaz al-Mustarshidin (Seekers of Guidance Thesaurus)
in 2 volumes.
All of the Hadith texts are submitted for approval to the Islamic Research Institute of Al-Azhar University, Cairo, and are only released in printed and magnetic form once approval has been given.
The International Hadith Study Association Network (IHSAN)
is the online part of the Thesaurus Islamicus Foundation's Sunna Project.
Through the Sunna Project the Foundation seeks to assemble the entirety of Hadith literature and to prepare and publish definitive critical editions of every Hadith collection.
The IHSAN Network currently comprises the following sections:
Hadith Database
The Hadith Database allows for the full text of the Foundation's printed editions of Hadith collections to be searched according to various criteria. IHSAN registration is required to access the online database.
The manuscripts section contains images of the important manuscripts used for the books in the Hadith Encyclopedia. The manuscripts are cross linked with the Hadith Database.
The IHSAN Association consists of working Hadith scholars around the world and institutions involved with Hadith studies.