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Product Information Hadith Database Part II:

DVD-ROM (Version 2.0) with introduction in paperback


Windows XP , Vista, 7, Linux: 768 MB free RAM, 600 MB free hard-disk space, 1024x768 minimum screen resolution,

Mac OS X 10.5 or higher:
1 GB free RAM, 600 MB free hard-disk space, 1024x768 minimum screen resolution.

Year of Publication: 2009



Database Version 1.1 CD-ROM
is only available with Part I of the Encyclopaedia of Hadith.


Windows XP, 2000, or Arabic enabled Windows 95, 98, or ME edition

Pentium processor, 32MB of free RAM memory, 170MB of free hard disk memory

800x600 minimum screen resolution

Year of Publication: 2001


The Encyclopaedia of Hadith Database includes all the Hadith collections provided in printed form, which may be accessed by searches of various kinds and of various degrees of complexity.

<img src="images/gallery.gif"> Hadith Database

The Hadith Database is also available on DVD as a stand-alone product with introduction. The DVD includes both parts of the Encyclopaedia.

The Introduction is comprised of a description of our project and an abridgement of the Muqaddimah of Ibn Salah which is an introduction to the sciences of hadith.





<img src="images/gallery.gif"> Hadith Database Screen 1. Printing

The user of the database may save the data collected either to paper or to word processing files. This data may include lists of references as well as the vocalised texts of the hadiths themselves.


2. The 'Add to favourites' function

This function allows the user at any point in his searching to seamlessly add any hadith or other reference to a favourites list simply by a right-click of the mouse.

At the end of his searching he can print out or save this favourites or reference list for use later or for looking up the references in the printed hadith volumes.

3. Choosing a Search Range

The high-speed search algorithm facilities are rendered more efficient still by selecting the hadith collection or collections in which the search is to be made.

4. Searching the Database

Any word, or series of letters or numbers, can be the basis of a search. The programme displays the number of ‘hits’, and also allows the user to make simultaneous searches for separate items. Double-clicking on the segment of text found brings up the entire vocalised hadith.

The following search types are available in the computer database:


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Hadith Database