Encyclopaedia of Hadith Part II | Encyclopaedia of Hadith | Products | Home

Product Information

6752 pages in 12 volumes.

2 colour print: black and red with gold embossed Balacron imitation leather cover

Size: 21 cm x 29.7 cm

Year of Publication: 2009

The Musnad Al-Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbal

<img src="images/gallery.gif"> View Main Titles and Maintext Startpages Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal is regarded as one of the foremost scholars of Hadith and his compendium as one of the greatest in its field. Valuable manuscripts, consisting of 38 handwritten copies unavailable for any other production, some of which were meticulously written and revised by several prominent scholars of Hadith, were consulted for this edition.

From those 38 copies, 16 handwritten copies were compared ultimately serving as the basis for this print making it the first of its kind.

This edition of the Musnad is the most comprehensive – supplemented with a large number of Hadiths, including 120 Hadiths in one chapter, which are unavailable in any other publication of this text. This edition of the Musnad was appraised and revised by thirteen scholars of Hadith, Islamic sciences and Arabic language from universities in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, The United Arab Emirates and Tunisia.


This outstanding compendium consists of more than 28,000 Hadiths of which Imam Ahmed said:

“The Hadiths compiled in this book were selected from over 750,000 Hadiths which scholars differed over. For if you find a Hadith mentioned in it, then, it is a reliable proof, and if you don't, then it is not.”

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